Friday, August 27, 2010

another memory that i would love to remember

a week before coming here, KLIUC was organizing the convocation for the year 2010. i have been so lucky to be one of the senate member of the university. mum was really proud of me. am so blessed to be given such an honour to be one of the important "decision maker" people of the university.

the light blue robe is for the senate members, who are deans, head of departments and head of divisions. purple robe is for the lecturers.

some of my students also graduating on that day. i can see their joy in their eyes. its a payoff of their years and years of hard work.

the flower girls. i mean, they are selling flowers on that day.

firra n sarah - bac. of civil eng. (hons.)

my schoolmate (maahad) - farha, congrats!

one of my thesis student - fazree

kak su, kak ju n me

me n kak saliza

me, kak aini n didi


ira, me, inas n didi..

its a proud moment to see your students on the stage receiving their diplomas and degrees. congratulations guys. make a change in the world!


Mak Su said...

hari bahagia buat mereka :)