for my breakfast.. is it healthy? as far as i know, it was made from soy nut.. so, its good protein right?
i think what makes it not healthy is the fact that it is mixed with the red sugar gravy..
but i am done just after half bowl of it. so, lets look in the pantry's fridge if there's anything else that i can eat..
oke. gula merah tu kekonon untuk tenaga. glukos kan bagi tenaga.
dah la makan tak habis, pehtu carik lagi mende makann dalam pantri.
tak snohoh!
it's soy bean...
look yummie..huhuuhuh..
makan banyak akan dapat...sendiri dah tahu
mugi - tapi, aku tak jumpa ape2 pon kat pantry yg boleh dimakan.. so berlapar pulak..
ooi - oh yes, i got the name wrong..
kakty - yup, tp still tak habis.. huhu
zumairi - :)
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