-scheduled entry-
my colleague was teaching surveying fieldwork the other day.. and, one of my student was able to capture this picture and show it to me. i don't know whether they lined up purposely of they don't plan for it..

this batch of geomatic engineering student is the most interesting batch so far.. well, i've been teaching for only 2 years at kliuc (before this part-timely at UPM).. i'm not saying that the others are not, but this guys sure makes me laugh in every class and i also learn a lot of things from the too..
and the best part was, they love to organize eating session (makan2).. bbq, iftar, etc.. and they make the class interesting in every way.. the most important thing is, they never miss my class.. yey me! (well, there might be one or two times that they are absent for MC or other important matter..)
well done guys.. keep up the good work!
amboi orang MC tu...gigih update tu..
get well soon...
heheeh, kelakar lah puloks adegan tu
alia, ko join TOT x weekend ni?
girl tu masuk line yg salah ;-)
tingat lak zaman masa kecik..mak siapkan waktu nak pegi sekolah ..
kak haslina - thanx.. saje je, boring
mak su - tu la.. time tu pulak sy takde.. budak2 nie tunjuk gambar aje.. kalo tak saye sekali join beratur..
shifa - tak.. tak kne panggil pong
zumairi - die sorang aje girl batch budak2 nie..
kakty - best kan sometimes teringat childhood memories..
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