Sunday, January 10, 2016


Seriously. Now is 11.43pm. I'm reading a novel and suddenly I heard banging from the ceiling. 

The people living upstairs are using their lesung batu at almost midnight. Directly onto their floor, on my ceiling.

Seriously. Inconsiderate. 

At least use cloth or something to out your lesung batu onto. 


sweet tooth said...

alia, selalu ke org atas tu buat keje cenggitu?

p/s: betui eh tu org atas yg menumbuk... bukan 'makhluk2' yg saje kacau. smtimes kalo kena gangguan bleh dengar mcm2 bunyi gak dari atas... ehehhe...akak ni menakutkan u pulop :-P

aliaaroslan said...

@sweet tooth aah betul orang atas kak. dia memang suka buat aktiviti di odd hours. kalau weekdays saya fikir mungkin dia nak masak untuk bekal esok. tapi weekend tu yang tak menahan tu.